Ideal Tech Info

Graphics & Web Designing

A picture speaks a thousand words. Graphic design must play a fundamental part of any web design. Ideal tech provide you service that people get a feel what is your business before they reach towards product. We create design captures the customer’s attention.

Ideal tech info provide you an ideal graphic design that can give a huge boost to your website by increasing its visual appeal, professionalism, brand value and usability.

Our Design process consists of four phases viz.

  • Discovery
  • Research
  • UXD
  • Development

During discovery we study the users’ world, helping the facilitation of conversations and activities that help us clearly articulate answers to all questions. We perform analysis; define the strategy to build the app.

We have a dedicated Research and Development team that finds out who the core users are, what they want, and how to build a product that will fulfil the user requirements. They are experts in User Research and Market Analysis.

As a highly critical aspect of a mobility initiative, we place user experience & design in the forefront. As such, our mobility team comprises of Interaction Designers, Product Designers and Experience Designers. We are a dedicated team of user experience & mobile design experts who ensure top-notch results for all our user engagements keeping in mind the user experience design aspect and considerations. .

Our robust mobile applications have been implemented using responsive designs and work across different devices & operating systems. We provide full end-to-end services from Mobile strategy development consulting, user experience design to Mobile Development & Testing Services Design considerations and Standards followed at Ideal.

Our Process

  • Assess Current Situation

    It is very important to do analysis of current situation of the target. So we can find out what actually changes are required to reach targeted audience. We estimate number of platforms to choose most comfortable option for development.

  • User-Centered Mobile Design

    Initially we need to clear understanding of client’s and their requirements. Them we design process according to user-centered. We depend on users upon participation for the designs.

  • Mobile Design Considerations

    We use AMP Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. That includes distractions, multitasking, motion, lighting conditions and poor connectivity.

  • Simplify Navigation

    We help to navigate your website. It is the most important part of user experience and usability. It should be simple, intuitive, and predictable. Our aim is to simplify navigation to highest level. We use clear, concise and consistent labels for navigation across the site. We provide access key shortcuts for opening links.

We adopt the following Key features for designing Responsive websites:

  • Identify the Target devices (Resolution) which need to be supported.
  • Identify the Target Platforms which need to be supported.
  • Determine the functionality which would be available across resolutions.
  • reate wireframes to help visualize the site in different resolutions.
  • Define the Navigation across various resolutions and platforms.
  • Test it across devices and platforms.