Ideal Tech Info

How can we help

The 4 ‘Laws’ Rapid Agile Development

People are everything

A great engineer is worth hundreds of mediocre ones. That’s why we have an intensive recruitment process. We train the next generation of engineers to technical testing that benchmarks our developers to their technologies on average.

Self-organising geniuses solve problems

We hire smart people with years of experience and thorough knowledge of what they are into. We let them get together and solve complex problems with being dictated by project managers. R & D is the core part easily tackle by our genius.

Data over Requirements Every Time

We don’t believe in planning everything about a product upfront. Our iterative process allows us to capture requirements within 2 days and drive future iterations based on data driven decisions and core analytics throughout the development journey.

Why We Let You Change Your Mind

While many development firms claim to be Agile and friendly to start-ups, the opposite is usually true. Typically you’ll be asked to lock down requirements for your project upfront with NO ability to change as market conditions change. At Ideal we allow in fact we suggest timely and periodical changes as per market trend with very minimal cost or sometimes without any extra cost. It’s totally depends upon work length. We completely help you to be prime in the race.